Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Recording recording reboring!!!

enal ttam- The recording buisness is going to the caputts....Basicly It is so easy these days to find many new equipment to record your own music and make it sound so good that the major recording labels are going to go down the can. To me, personally, being a huge fan of the underground music. I see no problem to this because i believe it is up to the band to get their music out there. Not the label, they are just the middle man making the music sound as good as possible on a CD. There are some labels that are needed because there is a skill in being able to mix and edit tracks and all that jazz. But, if you know how to do it yourself, it's so much more benificial to buy the few thousand dollars worth of equipment and do it yourself for much cheaper. Sure, it might take you some more time, but in the long run you will feel like you have accomplished much more and done with more benjamins in your pocket, and not in the recording labels.

Robert McGuffin- I have heard this mentioned before and then as well as now, I believe fully that the statement "The music industry is falling," is completely true. What has lead me to this conclusion is that there is simply no point in even being on a record label. Record labels take most of the money for the music that is sold, leaving the bands who actually create the music close to nothing. Today, bands are able to get famous almost without even playing a show via myspace. Pro-Tools, the industry's number one audio production program is made available to the public for as low as a couple hundred dollars. Pretty much all an artist needs to produce their own music is a computer and a recording program, with a way to upload their music to the internet. There you go. Peace.

nicholust danger rogers- well i ampart of me is somewhat convinced that the record industry is going the way of the dinosaurs, but i'm not sure. I mean, we have itunes, and the friendlyer priced limewire, but at the same time the record industry won't be an easy thing to kill. People, will stick to their traditions, and to what ever is the easyest thing to get so with out manystream record labels being buddy buddy with radio stations and MTV, what will happen? Also if the "industry" is taken out of music, does that mean that the money is gone too? This may make many things more difficult, though with all our internet, telephones, and all that it wouldn't be that difficult to talk with bands from anywhere asking them to do a show or buy one of their albums. So is the music industry/ era of great record companies going to die? Probably, but no time soon.

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